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COLORBOND® steel - Cool Roofing Colours For Building Professionals

The COLORBOND® steel cool roofing colours bring together a number of BlueScope's proprietary coatings and manufacturing technologies whilst offering a higher level of thermal performance.

Sustainability Technical Bulletin STB 02 - Urban Heat Islands and their mitigation

This technical bulletin details why UHIs form; the consequences of UHI formation; and what can be done to mitigate these.

Technical Bulletin TB 28 - Building materials and reflectivity

The purpose of this Technical Bulletin is to provide insight on some of the issues relating to the use of highly reflective building materials.

Technical Bulletin TB 39 - Thermal performance of roofing materials

This Technical Bulletin provides residential home decision makers with an overview of some of the key considerations when choosing roofing materials and how COLORBOND® steel roofing can assist.

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