Netball Central Sydney is the most recent sporting stadium to enlist the help of Fielders ARAMAX® roofing for the new stadium, located in the heart of Sydney sport; Sydney Olympic Park.
Used in this project
- Products
- Fielders ARAMAX®
- Materials
- ZINCALUME® steel
- Colours

Designed with sports stadiums as one of the structures in mind, the ARAMAX® was selected for its versatility, with the purpose of doubling up as the internal ceiling.
Fielders, along with ProBuild and roofing contractor, Sahara Roofing, worked throughout 2014 to install 6,500m2 of ARAMAX® roofing to the exterior, and 5,500m2 of ARAMAX® ceiling to the interior of the $27 million purpose-built netball facility.
Being used in a number of major structures throughout Australia, Scott Carver Architects were quick to take the opportunity to have this stadium do the same, with the reduced construction time, and the wide range of colours and finishes adding an extra advantage.
BlueScope National Manager of Marketing and Innovation, Matthew Lloyde, says that the Fielders ARAMAX® is the perfect product to be used on sporting stadiums and related projects.
"At Fielders, we're all about bringing new and innovative products to the market, the ARAMAX® roof cladding system is just that," Mr Lloyde said.
"There are so many benefits to the system that we've found have been appealing to our clients, with the ability to tailor the product to their specific requirements as well as ARAMAX® being structurally sound and sustainable."
Rolled on site, sheets spanning over 140 meters long were added to the structure over an eight-week period as one of the final touches to the new home of NSW Netball.
With the installation of the roof being completed by late 2014, the ARAMAX® adds the visual appeal to the exterior of the stadium, offering a clean and contemporary finish.
Officially opened in early 2015, the purpose-built Netball Central Sydney was completed in time for the highly regarded 2015 Netball World Cup, where the facilities were host to over 16 competing nations.